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ONUMA Help > Using Onuma > Georeference and Elevation
Georeference and Elevation

Georeference and Elevation

Do you know where the origin of your project is located? With Onuma, you have the ability to Georeference your Onuma Schemes and set their elevation.

This Onuma Help Topic Covers:

How to Georeference in Onuma

When creating a scheme you will set your location. If you need to edit this information later select the ScreenShot104.jpg Georeference button from your Site Plan in Edit Mode and choose your process:

  • 1. Select Your Site
    • Use either the search or the Goggle Map itself to pan and zoom to your site
    • Use your mouse to click on the map to define edge of your site polygon
    • If you make a mistake click Delete Polygon to start over
    • Once you are satisfied with your site polygon click Proceed OR you may click Cancel to cancel the site edit and return to your scheme

  • 2. Import KML
    • Create a polygon in Google Earth
    • Save your Google Earth Polygon as a KML
    • Browse for your saved KML file
    • Click Proceed OR you may click Cancel to return to your scheme

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Set Elevation

When viewing your scheme in 3D, in many situations when the ground is flat or relatively flat, you may keep the default elevation, but as soon as there is any type of slope, you might have noticed, that your buildings are "clamped" to the ground in Google Earth. This is when you need to set your Absolute Site Elevation for Google Earth.


  • This operation is accessed through the ScreenShot104.jpg Georeference button located on your Site Plan when in Edit Mode
  • On the bottom right is where you enter the elevation and you may choose via the pull down menu if the data is in feet or meters
    • If you do not know the site's elevation, you can obtain the information in Google Earth by hovering over a point on the site and reading the elevation from the bottom of the window


  • Click Save
  • Then return to your Site Plan by clicking the Site Plan link near the top left the the screen

After setting this Elevation your building may "disappear" in 3D, which means you need to set the Building Elevation:


  • Double click on the building to Access the Building Setting Menu
  • Select the Elevation tab
  • Enter your elevation relative to the site (if the floor elevation is 440' and the Site Elevation is 400', than you would only enter 40' here)
  • Click Save
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2013-06-17 17:28:36

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[TD - 4/4/13]