South Africa > Play
Introduction and Background
The Tshwane BIMStorm charette was conceived by NCPC, Onuma Inc., and
the government of South Africa as a component of the Capitals Alliance
conference to be held in Washington, DC from September 15-18. Capitals
Alliance is an international forum for capital city planners. The
Alliance enables a valuable exchange of information on issues and
challenges that are unique to national capitals.
The Tshwane BIM Storm is an online charette for Tshwane (also known as
Pretoria), the capital city of South Africa. The South African
government has decided to consolidate the national government in the
center of Tshwane from several cities, including Tswhane, Cape Town and
Johannesburg. One of the goals of the government building program is to
spur private sector development throughout underutilized areas around
the inner city.
Identify public improvements, particularly sites for national
government facilities, parks, and infrastructure
Create/facilitate opportunities for private sector development
Propose solutions that promote a more environmentally sustainable city
The BIMStorm will recommend capital and open space improvements for the
inner city of Tshwane, roughly bounded by the shaded area in image 1.
Particular focus will be placed on four (or five?) development
districts. The South African government selected these districts
because they represent key opportunities to establish an identity to
the South African capital and spur the development of underutilized
portions of the city.
Because of the size of the study area and the variety of opportunities
and challenges in the area, teams will focus on one theme or district.
However this doesn’t preclude any team from contributing to
other aspectsThe individual assignments have been identified as
- Parks and environmental improvements (entire study area)
- Transportation improvements (entire study area)
- District 1: Geological Gardens
- District 2: Church Square
- District 3: Marabastad
- District 4: Salvokop/Gautrain Station
The goals, opportunities, challenges, assets, and constraints for each
assignment are summarized in the following section. Background
documents can be found at:
South Africans have established a three-fold vision for Tshwane defined
by the following:
- The seat of government
- Environmental, functional and institutional excellence
- Custodian and showcase of South African culture
To achieve this vision, the government identified seven
building blocks:
- Define the capital core
- Strengthen the government precinct
- Support mixed-use private sector development
- Develop cultural identity and tourism
- Create a quality public environment
- Provide for integration of movement
- Ensure effective city management
Based on the government’s identified goals and using
standards from other world capitals, BIMStorm organizers have
identified a set of quantifiable and achievable targets for this
charette (specific number have not yet been identified).
Building Space
- Government Office - 1.2 million square meters
- Commercial Office– ## square meters
- Mixed Use - ## square meters
- Residential - ## square meters
- Cultural/Entertainment - ## square meters
B. Environmental Sustainability
- Parkland - ## acres of publicly-accessible open space
- Stormwater retention - % of pervious versus impervious
- Environmentally-friendly buildings - ## of (LEED)
certified buildings
- Transit-accessibility - % of blocks less than ¼
kilometer from premium transit
- Bike-accessibility - % of blocks are less than
¼ kilometer from a bike lane
- Density - ## of office space per square mile / persons per
square kilometer
- Green roofs - ## of buildings with green roofs
- Tree canopy - % covered by trees
C. Other
- Trails - ## kilometers of interconnected bike/walking
- Transit - ## kilometers of dedicated transit
- Memorials/Museums - ## sites
- View corridors - ## corridors
Overview of Site(s)
Inner City Tshwane
The inner city is generally framed between two east-west mountain
ranges and two north-south rivers. Most private development has been
invested in the eastern portion of the city. The government hopes to
leverage public development to spur private development in the western
and southern portions of the city.
The government has determined that Church Street and Paul Kruger Street
constitute the “Axis of Expression” and should
become prominent boulevarded streets. Four “Capital
Anchors” are envisioned at the termini of these streets (see
Map 2).
The government would like to increase and improve the city’s
parkland and public space opportunities, particularly along the Apres
River, around Church Square, and the Axis’ termini.
Currently, the inner city has a range of building heights with a couple
buildings reaching approximately 30 stories. For the future, the
government envisions buildings between 10-15 stories in the central
portion of the city, with building heights generally declining as one
gets further from the center of the city.
The government would like to develop cultural identity and tourism
potential in several areas including Marabastad, Museum Park
(immediately north of Salvokop), and the along the Apies River.
The government would like to make Tshwane a “24-hour
city,” partly by enhancing retail opportunities
Enhancing connections in the city, including the various neighborhoods,
open spaces, transportation assets and employment centers is another
important government goal
Government Sector
The executive mansion is located in the Union Buildings in the
northeastern portion of the inner city. The legislative assembly is
located in Church Square. The nation’s high court is
currently located in Johannesburg (although local officials are
encouraging it to move to Tshwane). Other nationally significant
judicial buildings are near Church Square.
35 national government departments are split up in 1.2 million square
feet of space. Two thirds of the space is leased. The government has
determined that its accommodations are of “poor and
inconsistent quality, fragmented and inappropriate, and of questionable
value for money and cost effectiveness of leases.”
The government’s primary objectives for its new spaces are
to: improve the physical work environment, promote shared facilities
(mixed-use), and improve service delivery.
There is a substantial amount of existing buildings—primarily
concentrated around Church Square—that should be preserved,
rehabilitated, or reused (see “Site Classification”
document for exact locations).
Secure government facilities are envisioned in the Salvokop and the
Geological Gardens Districts.
The government would like to enhance and integrate transportation modes
(including pedestrian, cycling, Bus Rapid Transit, and rail transit)
within Tshwane and between neighboring cities.
Preliminary Transit plans propose several east-west and north-south
Rapid Bus routes; which are available in the background documentation.
Johannesburg, about 50 miles to the south is the primary airport for
District 1: Geological Gardens
Just south of the Pretoria Zoo, the Inner City’s northern
terminus should become a gateway location.
Most of the site is underutilized; very few buildings need to be
preserved. This site is underdeveloped because it formerly was slated
to be the center a large highway interchange that will no longer occur.
Important district landmarks include the court where Nelson Mandela was
tried and a historic synagogue.
The site should incorporate a new Nelson Mandela museum
District 2: Church Square
Representing the heart of the city, this site includes many important
buildings, including the legislative assembly and prominent churches.
Since this district is largely built out, the focus of this district
will be on improving the public space and other urban design qualities.
District 3: Marabastad
Named after a popular King, this area currently is a “highly
neglected area” in between the city’s core and a
neighborhood of single-story residences to the west. A large farmers
market lies to the northeast of the district.
The “derelict” and
“underutilized” land is within walking distance of
most of the Inner city’s employment opportunities and its two
rail stations.
The government is suggesting (but is open to ideas) that this site
become a master-planned residential neighborhood of 3-4 story buildings
and a cultural component.
District 4: Salvokop/Gautrain Station
Salvokop, just south of Gautrain Station is a greenfield development
The major challenge with this district is to overcome the rail and
highway barriers to connect the central employment area with Salvokop
and parkland to the south.
The ample open space represents an significant opportunity to enhance
the city’s open space assets, which is already anchored by a
prominent overlook site in Freedom Park.
Two Study
- Marabastad Precinct 3
- Salvokop / Freedom Park Precinct 4
- These two precincts have been identified as a focal point
of the Capitals Alliance Tshwane BIMStorm™ . Teams are
encouraged to work on projects in this area.
Salvokop / Freedom Park Precinct 4
A conceptual urban planning team scheme developed for the
Sokovolop / Freedom Park Precinct that need help in the following
- Building planning and design
- Building site planning and design
- BIM modeling
- LEED / Green design
- Landscape design
- BIMStorm™ Support
- MEP design
- Structural design
The assignment:
- Review the attachments documents and maps.
- Create an overall urban design or landscape building
solution for the area (include whatever area of expertise
you’d like to share).
- Develop building models or planning schemes key to your
design solution.
- Share and collaborate on your ideas with others during the
BIMStorm™ on September 16, 2008 all day.
- Continuously publish and share your designs on the Onuma
Model Server.
- Create BIM or Sketch Up models key in your plan. Note:
Begin the design process at anytime between now and September 16th. (We
will both design and assemble ideas on the 16th).
- We have included attachments outlining the urban and
building design and green design factors to be addressed.
Any design methods you are comfortable with are welcomed,
- Hand sketches scanned with notes
- CAD drawings with notes
- SketchUp?
models with notes
- And of course any BIM Models exported to ifc format.
Other Considerations:
- South African has had significant social and government
changes in recent years, as a result many planning documents commonly
available are not available for our BIM Storm. We are relying on your
experience and design creativity to help solve the design problems.
Marabastad Precinct 3
A conceptual urban planning team scheme developed for the
Marabstad Precinct that need help in the following areas.
- Building planning and design
- Building site planning and design
- BIM modeling
- LEED / Green design
- Landscape design
- BIMStorm™ Support
- MEP design
- Structural design
- Transportation system design
The assignment:
- Review the attachments documents and maps.
- Create an overall urban design or landscape building
solution for the area (include whatever area of expertise
you’d like to share).
- Develop building models or planning schemes key to your
design solution.
- Share and collaborate on your ideas with others during the
BIMStorm on September 16, 2008 all day.
- Continuously publish and share your designs on the Onuma
Model Server.
- Create BIM or SketchUp models key in your plan. Note:
Begin the design process at anytime between now and September 16th. (We
will both design and assemble ideas on the 16th).
- We have included attachments outlining the urban and
building design and green design factors to be addressed.
- Any design methods you are comfortable with are welcomed,
- Hand sketches scanned with notes
- CAD drawings with notes
- SketchUp models with notes
- And of course any BIM Models exported to .ifc format.
Other Considerations:
- South African has had significant social and government
changes in recent years, as a result many planning documents commonly
available are not available for our BIM Storm. We are relying on your
experience and design creativity to help solve the design problems.
BIMStorm™ Tshwane - How to Play
A. Goals and Measures
- 1. Parkland - acres of publicly-accessible open space
- 2. Stormwater retention - proportion of pervious versus
impervious surfaces
- 3. Environmentally-friendly buildings - number of (LEED)
certified buildings
- 4. Transit-accessibility - proportion of blocks less than
¼ mile from premium transit
- 5. Bike-accessibility - proportion of blocks are less than
¼ mile from a bike lane
- 6. Density - amount of office space per square mile /
persons per square mile
- 7. Green roofs - number of buildings with green roofs
- 8. Tree canopy - percent covered by trees
B. Proposed Program
- 1. Government Office Space
- 2. Commercial Office Space - square feet
- 3. Mixed Use - square feet
- 4. Residential - square feet
- 5. Cultural space - square feet
C. Other Issues
- 1. Memorials/Museums - number of sites
- 2. Trails - miles of interconnected bike/walking trails
- 3. Transit - miles of dedicated transit
- 4. View corridors - number of corridors
Historical overview Program information
- Government Accommodation:
- Poor and inconsistent quality
- Fragmented and inappropriate
- Questionable value for money and cost effectiveness of
28 National Government Departments
- Occupy 1 250 000m2 :
- 350 000m2 - Government Owned
- 900 000m2 – Leased
- 132 buildings
- 240 leases
- R450m annual rentals
Cultural Precincts
- Museum Park
- Marabastad Village
- Tshwane Kopanong
- Tshwane West Park
- Apies River Promenade
- Lilian Ngoyi Square
Concept Sketch for Tshwane - Kenneth Walton of NCPC
Participants and delegates are encouraged to propose ideas as part of
the BIMStorm.
Data of Parcels
Parcel and other data will be available to players to use in the
planning scenarios.
and Buildings
Google Sketchup and Onuma site and building information will be
Model by National Capital Planning Commission
Guidelines for the BIMStorm Tshwane have been started by the Capitals
Alliance and National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC).
As stated by the NCPC and Capitals Alliance:
We have begun developing some basic programmatic information to be used
as a starting point for the development of a new capital city in the
For background information we have included diagrams from Re Kgabisa
Tshwane a program of the South African Government led by the Department
of Public Works (DPW), the Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) together with the City of Tshwane Metropolitan
Municipality (CTMM). The main purpose of Re Kgabisa Tshwane is to
ensure a long term accommodation solution of an acceptable standard for
national government department head offices and agencies within the
inner city of Tshwane. The DPW and DPSA were mandated by a Presidential
Program of Action in June 2004 to develop a framework to improve the
physical working environment for national government. Re Kgabisa
Tshwane is the aspect of this framework that deals with national
Government department head offices and agencies. In terms of a Cabinet
decision taken in October 1997, and reaffirmed in February 2001,
headquarters of national government departments are to remain in the
inner city of Tshwane in order to prevent inner city deterioration and
promote inner city urban renewal.
We have started with a few assumptions about space needs for any
capital, and developed some generic square footage numbers to use as a
base. Assuming that we would be merging several capital cities into
one, a few government functions would be required from the outset and
so the buildings and programs we have listed below are our best guess
at what those needs would be. For the next several weeks, Capitals
Alliance delegates and other experts from around the world to work on
creating these initial design schemes, which will serve as a point of
departure for further development of Tshwane's master plan
Issue to be Addressed
- Sites and Buildings
- Transit
- Public Space
- Security
- Greening
The plan will be made up several elements including campus programs
- 1. Government buildings and enclaves
- 2. Transit is another issue that came up in the Tshwane
2005 development plan and so, parking and pubic transportation should
be included as element of the charrette.
- 3. Open space. The open spaces can be linked using a set
of public parks which could also act as connectors to existing open
- 4. Security. Another issue facing capitals so we will try
to add a note about security to the program requirements for each
building in order to get some attention paid to that issue as building
massings are created.
- 5. Greening is the principal theme for the entire
exercise. We would like to apply the US Green Building Council LEED
Standards as a baseline for buildings and create a group of sustainable
site standards using guideline currently being developed by the ASLA
the American Society of Landscape Architects. The plan would be to
develop 8 to 10 categories that we could set standards for to measure
against. We have list a few potential categories at the bottom of the
Over the next week a few architects and planners on NCPC's staff will
develop a set a simple development framework plans, to use as both
examples and base diagrams for Capitals Alliance delegates and their
staffs. The goal is for the delegates to share ideas about planning and
designing capital cities from that countries perspective as an approach
to new Tshwane plan. We will bring those comments and notes together on
August 18th in a virtual meeting, and use the meeting as an opportunity
to meld the ideas and concepts into 3 schemes to be used a point of
departure for design.
LEED is a third-party certification program and the nationally accepted
benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high
performance green buildings. LEED gives building owners and operators
the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on their
buildings' performance. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to
sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human
and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings,
energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental
Different LEED versions have varied scoring systems based on a set of
required "prerequisites" and a variety of "credits" in the six major
categories listed above. In LEED v2.2 for new construction and major
renovations for commercial buildings there are 69 possible points and
buildings can qualify for four levels of certification:
- 1. Certified - 26-32 points
- 2. Silver - 33-38 points
- 3. Gold - 39-51 points
- 4. Platinum - 52-69 points
LEED certification is obtained after submitting an application
documenting compliance with the requirements of the rating system as
well as paying registration and certification fees. Certification is
granted solely by the Green Building Council responsible for issuing
the LEED system used on the project.
Sustainable Sites Initiative Metrics
- 1. Site materials Landscape, Hardscape and Furniture
- 2. Energy
- 3. Transportation Impacts
- 4. Water Quality and Storm Water Management
- 5. Lighting
- 6. Water Conservation
- 7. Site Contamination
- 8. Waste Minimization
Project Scope
Re Kgabisa Tshwane is a programme of the South African Government led
by the Department of Public Works (DPW), the Department of Public
Service and Administration (DPSA) together with the City of Tshwane
Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM). The main purpose of Re Kgabisa
Tshwane is to ensure a long term accommodation solution of an
acceptable standard for national government department head offices and
agencies within the inner city of Tshwane.
The DPW and DPSA were mandated by a Presidential Programme of Action in
June 2004 to develop a framework to improve the physical working
environment for national government. Re Kgabisa Tshwane is the aspect
of this framework that deals with national Government department head
offices and agencies. In terms of a Cabinet decision taken in October
1997, and reaffirmed in February 2001, headquarters of national
government departments are to remain in the inner city of Tshwane in
order to prevent inner city deterioration and promote inner city urban
Re Kgabisa Tshwane Benefits
Re Kgabisa Tshwane has numerous benefits. One of the benefits will be
to afford civil servants a more pleasant working environment, not only
in terms of the building in which they are located but the public open
spaces and infrastructure in the vicinity of the building.
A key beneficiary of Re Kgabisa Tshwane will not only be government
employees but members of the public who will benefit from a more
productive, accessible and improved public service. The infusion of
Batho Pele principles is an important part the programme.
These include potential sharing of services and facilities, such as,
auditoria, archives and communication solutions. There is also the
possibility of department headquarters and agencies using their
combined purchasing power in negotiations for goods and services with
the private sector.
The revitalization of Tshwane in the form of improved infrastructure
and urban management is core to the programme which will enhance the
city's image and reputation as a leading African capital city. This
will be encouraged as is the norm on all government projects of this
Proposed Program
Note: Teams are to use the program areas in Onuma
President's mansion and grounds- Campus - 1 million SF campus
with 1 buildings, LEED NC Platinum; using UFC standards) for example 4.
US White House 150,000 SF Footprint @ 4 Levels and 7. US Supreme Court
2 buildings 120,000 SF Footprint will give us the 1 million Square foot
Executive office buildings 2 or 3, Single Buildings, 3-5 story
Commercial Class B 100,000 SF office building, LEED NC Silver; mixed
office and retail (using commercial standards)
Treasure Building Campus - 1/4 million SF campus with
2(office- Public banking) buildings, LEED NC Silver; Banking
institution (using commercial standards)
Transportation Department - , lets use Single Building, 3-5
story Commercial Class B 100,000 SF office building, LEED NC Silver;
mixed office and retail (using commercial
Commerce Department Building, Labor Department Building-
Campus - 4 million SF campus with 2-4 buildings, LEED NC Silver;
civilian agency (using GSA ISC standards)
National Archive Building- Single Building, 3-5 story
Commercial Class B 350,000 SF office building, LEED CS and CI Silver;
mixed office (using commercial standards)
Performing Arts Center- Single or Multi Building, Commercial
Class A 750,000 SF office building, LEED NC Gold; civilian federal
agency (using GSA ISC standards)
Museums (four)- Campus - 1 million SF campus with 4 buildings,
LEED NC Silver; educational institution (using commercial standards)
State Protection Service- Single or Multi Building, Commercial
Class A 750,000 SF office building, LEED NC Gold; civilian federal
agency (using GSA ISC standards)
Department of Justice- Single or Multi Building, Commercial
Class A 750,000 SF office building, LEED NC Gold; civilian federal
agency (using GSA ISC standards)
Commerce Department Building, Labor Department Building
,Transportation Department -
Campus - 4 million SF campus with 2-4 buildings, LEED NC
Silver; civilian agency (using
GSA ISC standards) for example using the . Australian
Parliament Building 1000'x1000' 1,000,000 SF Footprint @ 4 floors per
building would yield this campus
Level |
Est. Time
Skill Level
Tools Needed
A1 |
X |
Define OSCRE Code of Spaces |
Low |
Onuma Editor or Excel |
Adding OSCRE codes will allow for BOMA
calculations. |
A2 |
X |
Populate COBIE Data |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
A3 |
X |
Analyze Security and CPTED |
Medium |
WWW Onuma |
Analysts to review schemes
for security and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design and post comments back to Onuma. |
B1 |
X |
X |
Export LOD-1,2 or 3 to BIM
Desktop Applications |
30 Sec. |
Low |
Onuma |
Export as IFC from Onuma. |
B2 |
X |
Import LOD-1,2 or 3 to BIM
Desktop Applications |
BIM with IFC in: Archicad,
Revit, VectorWorks |
Import as IFC to desktop BIM Applications.
Automatically creates same layout and floors in BIM as in Onuma. |
B3 |
X |
Resolve Design Layout in
Desktop BIM Applications to LOD-5 |
20-60 Min. |
Medium |
Desktop BIM Apps. |
Edit spaces in desktop BIM
Applications. |
B4 |
X |
Resolve Design in Desktop BIM
Applications to LOD-6 |
1-2 Hours |
High |
Desktop BIM Apps. |
Continue to add more levels
of detail. Other types of analysis such as structural and mechanical
systems can happen here. |
B5 |
X |
Post Native BIM Model to
Onuma |
2 Min. |
High |
Onuma |
Use the attach file in Onuma This
attaches the file but not the information back to Onuma. |
B6 |
X |
Import IFC of BIM back to
Onuma |
5 Min. |
Expert |
Onuma Editor, Converter |
Import to Onuma using Converter.
Understanding of the process is required to accomplish this. Data is
also imported to Onuma, and therefore is accessible in the model server
for aggregated calculations. |
C1 |
X |
X |
Comment on BIM Reports |
1 Min. |
Low |
Using comment button to
respond to any schemes that are visible. Request user name and password
to access this BIMStorm. |
C2 |
X |
X |
Comment on Onuma |
1 Min. |
Low |
Using the attachment button to add comments
to your own scheme or other shared schemes. This allows observers to
comment on schemes. Must have Onuma Editor or Viewer account to
log in. |
E1 |
X |
X |
X |
Create New Program
Requirement in Excel |
20 Min. |
Low |
Excel |
Optionally use existing
Building Template in Onuma. The Excel file prior to importing to Onuma
is a LOD-1 BIM. Public may also post an Excel request for project,
through BIM Request. |
E2 |
X |
X |
Adjust Program Requirement in
Excel |
10 Min. |
Low |
Excel |
Additional detail may be added in Excel
Additional detail may be added in Excel to show individual spaces or
entire floors as single blocks. It is up to the user the level of
detail to set up in Excel. |
E3 |
X |
Import Excel to Onuma to
Create Building |
1 Min. |
Low |
Excel, Onuma Editor |
Import Excel as CSV to Onuma to
create new building. Onuma Editor Account Required. A LOD-1 or LOD-2
Model is automatically generated in Onuma from the Excel File. |
G1 |
X |
X |
X |
Link to Google Earth of
Multiple Schemes |
1 Min. |
Low |
WWW, Group Password, Google
Earth |
Link to multiple schemes and view in Google
Earth |
G2 |
X |
Analysis of Geospatial Data,
using simple tools such as Google Earth |
Medium |
Google Earth, Google Map,
Virtual Earth |
View projects in Google Earth.
Using the Onuma Model server, look at the regional level as projects
are entered. |
G3 |
X |
Analysis of Geospatial Data,
using more advanced tools in GIS. |
High |
ESRI and Other GIS tools |
Analysis of GIS data. Data
created in projects and schemes combined with GIS data for analysis. |
K1 |
X |
X |
Document your process and
save as attachment |
Low |
In order to make it easier to
follow the process your team followed, take some sreenshots and upload
them to your scheme.
They will be visible in the BIM Gallery of each scheme here:
P1 |
X |
Create Team Project in Onuma |
1 Min. |
Low |
Onuma Editor |
Create project with team number as
project name. Ex. Team 99. Must have Onuma Editor Account. |
P10 |
X |
Create Existing Building in
Onuma |
20-60 Min. |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
Start from Google Earth or
from Floor Plans. Shapes from Google Earth can be imported into Onuma to create
buildings or sites that are georeferenced and the correct
scale. |
P2 |
X |
Create Schemes in Onuma |
1 Min. |
Low |
Onuma Editor |
Create multiple schemes within
the project. Schemes can be used as variations of studies. |
P3 |
X |
Share Schemes in Onuma |
15 Sec. |
Low |
Onuma Editor |
It is important to share your scheme in Onuma so
your team can interact with you. Also for other teams and analysts to
be able to see your scheme. The Model server is what will also allow us
to aggregate all projects and ask questions such as what is the total
area of all projects? Network Link allows for schemes to be shared
and updated live. |
P4 |
X |
LOD-1 Building in Onuma |
1 Min. |
Low |
Onuma Editor |
LOD-1 is entire floors as a
single space to represent a multi floor building. |
P5 |
X |
LOD-2 Building in Onuma |
20 Min. |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
LOD-2 will include individual
spaces in Onuma generated from Excel. Additional attributes can be
imported from Excel such as vertical alignment. |
P6 |
X |
Resolve LOD-2 to LOD-3 in
Onuma |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
Moving spaces in Onuma to create a
floor plan based on the creation of spaces from Excel or the adding of
spaces directly in Onuma, creates a LOD-3 BIM in Onuma. |
P7 |
X |
Resolve LOD-4 in Onuma |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
Add furniture and equipment
to spaces. Add other data such as OSCRE or COBIE inside Onuma. Confirm set up
of department color coding and zoning color coding. |
P8 |
X |
Duplicate scheme in Onuma to
create a new scenario |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
Duplicate the scheme, to
create another variation of the design. |
P9 |
X |
Add furniture and Equipment |
10 Min. per space. |
Medium |
Onuma Editor |
Some teams may want to go to
the space level and. add furniture |
R1 |
X |
Create BIM Request for LOD-1
or 2 BIM |
1 Min. |
Low |
WWW, Group Password |
Owners and developers may request a BIM
without having access to Onuma. |
R2 |
X |
Create BIM Request from
iPhone or PDA for LOD-1 or LOD-2 BIM |
1 Min. |
Low |
Web enabled PDA, Group
Password |
R3 |
X |
X |
X |
View BIM Reports |
1 Min. |
Low |
WWW, Group Password |
View BIM Reports |
R4 |
X |
X |
X |
View Reports of Multiple
Schemes |
1 Min. |
Low |
WWW, Group Password |
View Multiple Schemes |
S1 |
X |
X |
Export LOD-1, 2 or 3 to
SketchUp |
1 Min. |
Medium |
Onuma, SketchUp |
Export as IFC from Onuma. |
S2 |
X |
X |
Create SketchUp Model |
10-60 Min. |
Medium |
SketchUp |
Using output from Onuma to SketchUp through
IFC will allow you to build a model in SketchUp based on
the program requirements set up in Onuma. One warning, SketchUp does
not have an output of IFC back to BIM. Output to SketchUp is a one way
street, but is a good way to model rapid geometry. |
S3 |
X |
X |
Post SketchUp Model to Onuma |
1 Min. |
Low |
Onuma |
Use the attach file feature
in Onuma. The model or any other file can be attached. |
S4 |
X |
X |
Post SketchUp Model to 3D
Warehouse |
1 Min. |
Low |
SketchUp |
Upload to 3D Warehouse, Alexandria Collection. |
T1 |
X |
X |
X |
BIMStorm Training-Basic |
Low |
How to participate and watch
a BIMStorm and get access to presentations and view data. |
T2 |
X |
X |
BIMStorm Training-Observer |
Low |
How to observe and view data
as well as how to comment on projects and schemes. |
T3 |
X |
BIMStorm Training-Player |
Medium |
How to
“Play” and create data and collaborate with other
participants. |
T4 |
X |
BIMStorm Training-Power User |
High |
How to be a Power Player. |
U1 |
X |
Urban Planning |
Urban planning studies.
Starting with hand sketches or digital sketches
define a design strategy. |
- Tasks define all the possible workflows that could happen
in a BIMstorm.
- Participants are not required to do ALL tasks. They are
listed to make you aware of what others may be doing.
- Please make recommendations for tasks that may not be
listed above.
Tools Used in a BIMStorm™
Not all tools need to be used by all participants. Onuma is used as a
model server and required of all players to be able to share projects
with all participants. An Onuma account is provided by sponsors during
the BIMStorm™
- Internet
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Desktop BIM Applications
- Archicad
- Revit
- VectorWorks
- Other IFC Capable BIM Applications
- Online BIM and GIS Editors and Viewers
- Onuma Editor
- Onuma Viewer
- BIM Model Server
- Onuma Model Server - All project data needs to be on
this to be visible by all teams.
- 3D Modeling
- SketchUp - Can import IFC from Onuma using IFC to
SketchUp Converter
- Google Earth and Map
- Virtual Earth
- Spreadsheet
- Communication
- Onuma Web Site
- Onuma Forum
- GoToWebinar
- Skype Chat
- Email - Reduce amount of email by using online tools
and communication
- Phone- Reduce amount of phone calls by using online
tools and communication
- Paper and Pencil
- Other tools may be suggested by participants
BIMStorm™ Levels of Detail (LOD)
The BIMStorm™ focuses on having the appropriate level of
detail for the particular task in a project. In many cases a very low
LOD is needed to make decisions. When heading toward construction
documents a higher LOD is needed. When construction is complete and an
owner needs to manage a portfolio of projects a lower LOD could be used
for that. Making various LOD models accessible to BIMStorm™
participants allows many types of subject matter experts to interact
with each other and be talking about the same data.
- LOD-0: Excel file. A structured Excel file in
BIMStorm is considered a BIM.
- LOD-1: Simple building in Onuma, with one block per floor.
- LOD-2: Simple building in Onuma, with more granular data
to room level.
- LOD-3: Simple building in Onuma, with more granular data
to room level and layout of spaces.
- LOD-4: Building in Onuma, with other data such as
furniture and equipment.
- LOD-5: Onuma Data exported to Desktop BIM Application for
more detail.
- LOD-6: Desktop BIM Application with Windows, Doors and
Walls added.
LOD-0 to LOD-1 > Very Rapid Creation of BIM
Excel LOD-0 > Onuma LOD-1: Google Earth LOD-1
- Each floor is listed as one row in Excel showing the total
area per floor.
- Importing this Excel into Onuma
creates a LOD1 model in Onuma which can be exported to Google Earth.
- Each block represents the entire floor, one block per
floor as it was formatted in Excel.
- Here is a LOD-0 CSV file to create an LOD-1 Onuma, right
click and save link to open in Excel. LOD-1_Excel_Import.csv
- Here is a LOD-1 Google Earth file from Onuma, right click
and save link to open in Google Earth. LOD-1_Excel_mport.kml
- Total areas as well as other reports can still be
generated at LOD1
- Buildings can be placed on sites to check fit at this LOD.
- Time to complete this step: 2 Minutes
- Total Floor Area: 146,823 Square Feet
LOD-0 to LOD-2 > More Detail in Excel Automatically Generates a
Excel LOD-0 > Onuma LOD-2 > Google Earth
- The Excel file is now broken up space by space.
- Here is a LOD-0 CSV file to create a LOD-2 Onuma, right
click and save link to open in Excel. LOD-2_Excel_mport.csv
- Here is a LOD-2 Google Earth file from Onuma, right click
and save link to open in Google Earth. LOD-2_Excel_Import.kml
- The Excel file imported to Onuma
automatically generates this LOD-2 Model.
- Studies can be generated based on this LOD-2 Model
- Time to complete this step: 10 Minutes to format Excel, 1
Minute to import to Onuma
- Total Floor Area: 146,823 Square Feet (Same area as LOD-1
- Exporting to Google Earth shows
all the spaces on each floor at LOD-2.
LOD-2 to LOD-3 > Editing Spaces in Onuma Generates a LOD-3 BIM
Onuma LOD-2 > Onuma LOD-3 > Google Earth
- Moving spaces around in Onuma starts to form the shape of
a LOD-3 BIM in Onuma
- Export to Google Earth for a view
of how the scheme fits on the site.
- This LOD-3 can now be the basis of more detailed studies
in Desktop BIM Applications
- Here is a LOD-3 Google Earth file from Onuma, right click
and save link to open in Google Earth. LOD-3_Layout_Resolved_in_OPS.kml:
- Total Floor Area: 146,823 Square Feet (Same area as LOD-1
and LOD-2 Model)
- Time to complete this step: 10 Minutes to Edit Spaces in
LOD-3 to LOD-4 > Adding other data such as Furniture and
Equipment in Onuma
Onuma LOD-3 > Onuma LOD-4 > Add Data in
- Add data in Onuma such as Furniture and Equipment
- Adjust settings and view reports.
- Add data such as COBIE or OSCRE in Onuma
- Total Floor Area: 146,823 Square Feet (Same area as LOD-1
and LOD-2 Model)
- Time to complete this step:
- 5 Minutes per space to add directly in Onuma
- 1 Minute to import furniture from Excel to all spaces
LOD-1-3 to BIM > Automatically Creating a Desktop BIM File
Onuma LOD-1-3 > SketchUp & Onuma LOD-1-3
> Desktop BIM Applications
- Saving out IFC from Onuma and import to SketchUp using the
SketchUp Plug in for IFC.
- Automatically creates the floors and spaces in SketchUp
based on the settings from Onuma
- Note: IFC to SketchUp is a one way trip for now, since
an IFC out from SketchUp does not currently exist.
- Saving out the same IFC from Onuma can also be imported to
desktop BIM applications such as Archicad, Revit, VectorWorks.
- Times to complete this step (approximate) :
- Onuma to IFC: 20 Sec.
- IFC to SketchUp: 20 Sec.
- IFC to Revit: 1 Min.
LOD-0 to LOD-3, LOD-4 and LOD-5 > Moving the Program LOD-3 to
Desktop BIM Applications
Image by Ecotect and Square 1
Excel LOD-0 > Onuma LOD-3 > BIM LOD-4
- This is an optional step for participants who would like
to move the data to a desktop BIM application.
- Early studies at LOD-1 through LOD-3 have defined the
requirements and now it is time to move to a higher LOD Model.
- The higher LOD can be accomplished by exporting IFC from
Onuma and importing to BIM or SketchUp
- The resulting BIM can be attached in native format
back to Onuma or imported back as IFC through the Converter
- Times to complete this step (approximate) :
- Excel to Onuma: 1 Minute to Import
- LOD-3>LOD-5: > 1-4 Hours
- LOD-5>LOD-6: > 1-10 Days, depending
on interior LOD
Reference Material for BIMStorms
Material below can be used for Capital Alliance Tshwane BIMStorm.
Tshwane Background Material
- Shape files indicating precinct boundaries
- Shape files indicating attribute data (building height
- Photos of each precinct (right click on each photo, go
to Summary and find explanation)
BIMStorm Planning Documents
Tshwane Planning
Security and Force Protection
Sustainability and Energy
2010-02-08 10:44:17 |