Site Components
Site Components are objects for your site, such as trees, placemarks,
utility lines, parcels, roads, construction pads, sport fields, cars,
ships, airplanes, blast objects, and more.
How to Add Site Components
Method 1: Standard
- In Edit Mode on your Onuma Site Plan go to Add
Object(s) Menu
- From pull down menu select a category under Site

- Enter the amount you need in the text field

- Click the word or picture of the component to add
Method 2: Converting Sketches
Method 3: Georeferenced
from Google Earth
Google offers a free version of
Google Earth, as well as paid versions, like Pro and Plus. Learn more
and download it HERE.
For detailed help on Google Earth we recommend reading the Google
Earth User Guide.
- Create a Folder in Places
in Google Earth by right-clicking under Places and selecting
Add>Folder from the pull-down menu
- Create your Google Earth
Polygons, Lines and/or Placemarks and place them all in one folder
- Save the folder as a KML
- Go to Import
in Onuma
- Select Google
- Browse to Open your Import
file and click Import
- Choose the element type for
each Object:
- Polygons can be:
- Sketch Polygon
- Building
- Parking/Roadway
- Construction Pad
- Lines can be:
- Placemarks can be:
- Placemark
- Intersection Point
- Public
- Utility Pole
- Manhole
- Tree
- Deciduous
- Evergreen
- Ornamental
- Undefined
- Then click Proceed
and Close when finished, or
if you selected the wrong file
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How to Edit Site Components
- Use Drag to place your site component in the correct location
- Use Reshape to edit shape of site component (NOTE: Certain components cannot be reshaped)
- Double click on the Site Component
- This pops-up a window where you can edit a components:
- Name
- Dimensions (NOTE: Certain objects'
dimensions cannot be edited)
- Elevation above ground
- Angle
- Mirror
- Set Start, End, and Demolition dates
- Lock or Unlock component from editing
- To view key numbers on site components, check the box Show
Site Component Numbers
- To select or deselect all site components, check the box Select
/ deselect all site components
- To Delete a Site Component, check the box next to the Site
Component you want to delete and then hit the
Can Icon
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Custom Attributes for Site Components
You can customize the column headers in
your site components attributes export.
- How to Customize the column headers:
- Go to Settings> Site Settings> Site
- Select the component type you want to customize;
manholes, public transportation, utility lines, etc.
- Add in your custom attributes (Up
to 18!)
- Add in optional HTML coding (See
Extras for Site Components)
- Click Save Settings
- To Export Site Components Attributes:
- Go to export while on the Site Plan
- Select Site Components Attributes
for your format
- Select the site component type that you customized;
manholes, public transportation, utility lines, etc.
- Click Export
- To Import Site Components Attributes:
- Save your updated/edited site
components attributes excel as a CSV
file type.
- Go to Import while on the Site Plan
- Select Site Components Attributes
for your Import Format
- Browse to select file and open
- Click Import
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Extras for Site Components
that you have entered all that data regarding your site components;
wouldn't be nice to see it displayed somewhere? When you fill in the
HTML Description and the customized site components
attributes you'll be able to export your scheme to
Google Earth and click on a component to see a Pop-up Bubble.
example of pop-up in Google Earth
- Help for HTML Coding: Every
HTML Description is
filled in with a sample piece of code to help you make your own custom
pop-ups for your Site Components in Google Earth.
- Sample Code:

- This above code generates this pop-up in Google Earth:
- Understanding the HTML Code:
- The first line in the bubble "Intersection Point" is
the Name of
the Site Component, you may change the name, but this will ALWAYS be
the first thing in the bubble you can not edit it out.
- The picture in the bubble is from the first line of
custom HTML Description:
- To Add your own picture:
- First make sure the image file is online, this is
as easy as uploading the image as an attachment to your scheme
- Next open that image online and right click to
view the images Properties
- Use the Location to
copy and paste the image source code (img src) into the HTML
Description right between the quotation marks
- Next use the Image Dimensions
to insert the width and height of your image in pixels (px) exchange
the "50" for your new "number"
- The next piece of code is:
piece of code is like hitting enter when you are typing, basically go
back and right; the more you enter the more space you'll have before
the next line starts
- Next Line of code creates the text
This is regarding your font. The piece
is referring to what is going to be in that font, in this case it is
the name of the object.
- The last line of code creates the black line that you
- Other helpful info:
- To make a paragraph, start with:
then type, then end with:
- Tying it all together: After creating your custom site
components attributes headers, and updating and importing your site
components attributes csv file, this data can then be used to populate
areas in the google earth pop-up bubble.
- If you title your first header: Date
- Then you exported your site components attrubutes
csv file and under that header entered: May 2nd
- Now, in the HTML section you can add
- That would then show in the pop up bubble in
Google Earth: May 2nd
- If you know more HTML coding you can always get more
sophisticated, enjoy!
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2012-11-19 11:56:50 |
Q. I have added "Parking" site components for existing parking lots on a site. I want to get the area of them. Is there a way to list the area of a defined "Parking" site component? [AH - 1/10/11]Note: Questions and comments posted here are visible to all users who have access to Onuma.
A. No, but for a work around you could place a building over the lot to obtain the area. [AH - 1/10/11]