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 GSA and Onuma System
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ONUMA System - GSA Version

GSA Projects and BIMStorm BIMStorm and Onuma are in use on General Services Administration (GSA) projects. The Onuma team lead the use of Onuma in a complex portion of the GSA Saint Elizabeths project, which is the largest of the stimulus projects for GSA. Excel to BIM was used to rapidly and accurately populate thousands of square feet of space, and thousands of pieces of furniture and equipment. We cannot show the actual project, but will show the actual process. By learning how to BIMStorm we are teaching the industry how to support GSA projects.

The ONUMA System is part of the first version of the GSA BIM Guide.

Onuma GSA™ is customized to meet GSA BIM Guide requirements.

The following vendors are included in the appendix as the intiail group of software that went through a one year process of testing and validating that the output matches GSA BIM Guide requirements.

  • Autodesk Revit
  • Autodesk Architectural Desktop
  • Bentley Architecture
  • Graphisoft Archicad
  • ONUMA System™

The Onuma GSA™ version is identical to Onuma with the added functionality of supporting GSA requirements of the GSA BIM Guide. Starting in December of 2005, ONUMA, Inc. was involved with the GSA BIM in adjusting Onuma to support GSA BIM Guide requirements. One year later in December of 2006, the first version of the GSA BIM Guide was distributed at the Federal Facilities Council meeting in Washington, DC. In this version of the GSA BIM Guide an appendix outlines how the Onuma can be used to support GSA BIM Guide requirements.

The main functionality of Onuma as it relates to this first version of the GSA BIM Guide are the following:

  • GSA Space Categories
    • GSA STAR Space Type
    • GSA STAR Space Category
  • GSA Space Zones
    • Security Zone
    • Preservation Zone
    • Privacy Zone
    • Project Specific Zone
    • Security Zone
  • GSA Space Occupants
    • Occupant Organisation Code
    • Occupant Sub-Organizational Code
    • Occupant Billing ID
2010-02-08 13:56:41