Autodesk Revit and Onuma

Revit, Excel and Onuma
- Revit users can pull data from their room schedule and
transfer it to Onuma Excel Template
- An Excel spreadsheet containing data can be imported into
- Information from the spreadsheet becomes spaces
- Spaces can then rearranged by the user and information
from the Excel can be found in the Space Settings Matrix
IFC and Onuma
- Export IFC file from Revit
- Convert IFC file to BIMXML file using Onuma IFC Converter
- Import BIMXML file to Onuma
Revit Plug In
- Plug in for Revit allows projects to be imported and
exported to Onuma
- Start from a Revit Model, Export to Onuma
- Edit in Onuma or store many models in the Onuma Model
- Create reports in Onuma
- Export to Google Earth, Export to Revit, Export to Excel
- Start in Onuma, create program requirements, export to
- Furniture and equipment can also be exported
- The Revit Plug in is included in Onuma Editor Pro and
Studio Pro
2015-10-17 19:57:25 |