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 Build Hospital Live Oslo
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The following are links to scheduled webinars and recorded presentations from previous live events (how-to animations and PDF files).

Scheduled Online Webinars for BuildHospital Live

The online webinars scheduled below are open to all. No fee is required to participate in these webinars.

Past Recorded Webinars and Upcoming Webinars

  • Live events in Oslo, Norway
    • Sept. 22, 2009 - 9 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Sept. 22, 2009 - 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Sept. 23, 2009 - 9 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Sept. 23, 2009 - 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Sept. 24, 2009 - Presentations and Evening Dinner
All Oslo events require separate conference registration to attend.

BIMTube Recordings

Watch the BIMTube for a wealth of information on collaboration using the BIMStorm process.


Recorded Webinars from Previous BIMStorms

Overview of BIMStorm

  • 10 Minute introduction to BIMStorm.

  • 4 Minute lesson on the easiest way for Players to Join the BIMStorm.
  • This lessons shows how to start your projects and scheme and use template buildings to land on your site.
  • The step after this would be to adjust the buildings.

A-Introduction to September BIMStorms-August 5, 2008

B-Introduction to September BIMStorms, Signing Up-August 5, 2008

C-Introduction to the Onuma in BIMStorm

D-10 Minute Overview of the Onuma

E-Using Google Earth to Rapidly Build Sites and Buildings

  • 8/5/2008 12 Noon- 1pm Eastern - Online Webinar and Planning
  • 8/18/2008 - 10am - Noon Eastern - Online Webinar and Planning Session for Tswhane
  • 8/19/2008 12 Noon- 1pm Eastern - Online Webinar and Planning
  • 8/26/2008 12 Noon- 3pm Eastern - practice workshop, participants can jump in and out of live practice BIMStorm
  • 9/9/2008 Course to learn how use LEEDS, CPTED, Smart Codes etc.
  • 9/10-11/ 2008 - BIMStorm™ Alexandria, Virginia - Federal Friendly Zones™ - Live in Washington DC and the Internet.
  • 9/14/2008 - 5:00PM-6:30PM - Welcome reception House of Sweden (Swedish Embassy) 5pm to 6:30. Delegates from various capitals as part of the Capitals Alliance Conference.
  • 9/15/2008 - 9:00AM - National Press Club. Keynote Address Herbert Girardet (film maker). Green theme speaker.
  • 9/15/2008 - 10:30AM - 12:30PM - National Press Club. Panel Discussion. Green theme speakers.
  • 9/16/2008 - 8:30AM-5:00PM - National Capital Planning Commission Offices. BIMStorm Live.
  • 9/16/2008 - 5:00PM-7:30PM - National Capital Planning Commission Offices. Reception and Poster Session.
  • 9/17/2008 - 8:30AM-11:15AM - Workshop with various topics and speakers from each country.
  • 9/18/2008 - 9:00AM-11:30AM - National Building Museum. Impact of Green Design on Architecture and Public Space.
  • 9/18/2008 - 1:00PM-2:30PM - National Building Museum. Lecture Building cities that foster green goals .
  • 9/18/2008 - Evening - United Arab Emirates Embassy. Closing Reception.

Some events by invitation only.

Forum for Communication

  • An online Forum will be used to communicate. You can view communication and files from previous BIMStorms and also post your own comments or questions here:

How to use Onuma for the BIMStorm

1-Logging into Onuma
Each user gets a user name and password. This is like your email address and should not be shared, since it gives you access to your projects and allows you to publish your scheme or share it with your team. Onuma will be used to broadcast the BIMStorm Program Brief and will be used to view each team's progress.

2-Create Project and Scheme
One person on each team should create a project and share it as "Teamwork" so others on the team can access it. The creator of this first scheme, will be the administrator of the team. Make sure to turn on sharing for Web Services and Reports so that observers can see your project developing.

After creating a project and scheme, it can be "shared" with your team, directly with others in the studio, made available through web services to a selected group or to the world. Sharing schemes is critical, to be able to support multiple designers and analysts working in real time.

playsmall.jpg Sharing Schemes and Reports

3-Edit Spaces
How to rapidly edit spaces directly in the Onuma web browser. This will allow teams to rapidly create options prior to going into detailed design and share the decisions with their team and the judges.

4-Resolving the Site Design
How to move buildings on to the site, and create various rapid schemes for analysis.

5-Exporting from Onuma
How to export various formats from Onuma to view and edit in other applications. Export formats include: Excel, IFC for BIM, GBXML for Ecotect, KML for Google Earth and others. Once exported from Onuma the standalone files can be edited in desktop applications and imported back to Onuma or exported to other applications, which will be used to view detailed BIM solutions. Please keep your Onuma scheme current with the final design.

6-Importing to Google Earth
Google Earth is used to rapidly view massing studies and data coming from Onuma. These are not only the geometries but also include other attributes form Onuma such as building name, total area, total energy, and other attributes for early planning. Visualizing the 3D in Google Earth allows for rapid viewing of many buildings at one time or a single building._

7-Creating a Live Network Link from Google Earth to Onuma
Separate from downloading the latest Google Earth file from Onuma, a network link allows for a dynamic connection to your project data that can be viewed in Google Earth and shared with others. The dynamic link goes back to the Onuma Model server and "grabs" the latest schemes as they are worked on in real time.

8-Importing from Excel to Onuma
Excel can be used to validate program areas and arrange spaces that can be imported to Onuma for the automatic creation of a BIM. Editing can continue in Onuma or multiple imports from Excel are possible to layer in increasing levels of detail from Excel to Onuma.

9 Reports and Settings
How to view reports that include area calculations, cost, facility information, aggregated site information, and other data that is created in real time in Onuma while projects are being edited. Settings can be adjusted to change the assumptions on the project that affect the cost and other reports.

10 Attaching Comments and Data to Onuma
Anyone who has access to shared projects in the studio can attach comments and files to your BIM. The comments and attachments become integral to the specific location in the Onuma BIM. For example, you as the designer may be working on a building and an interior designer may attach a comment to the conference room on the 2nd floor with information about carpeting or furniture. This comment is then part of your project unless you decide to delete it as the owner of the scheme. You will also get an automatic email alert "BIM Mail" from your BIM in Onuma that tells you there is a new comment attached.
playsmall.jpg Attaching Comments and Data

11 Exporting from Onuma to BIM
After the initial design studies are completed in Onuma, the same data can be export to desktop BIM Applications such as Revit, Archicad, VectorWorks?, and other IFC capable applicaitons.
playsmall.jpg Onuma to Revit. Multi story BIM
playsmall.jpg Onuma to BIM Simple Building
playsmall.jpg Onuma to BIM

12 Basic Editing and Navigation in the New Flash UI

13 Defining Parcels, Importing from Google Earth

14 Creating Buildings in Google Earth, Importing to Onuma

Other Instructions that are relevant to BIMStorm

How to Animations Play
Onuma to Revit. Multi story BIM : 5 Min. playsmall.jpg
Onuma to BIM Simple Building: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg
BIM on Demand Excel to BIM: 5 Min. playsmall.jpg
Basic Onuma Navigation: 6 Min. playsmall.jpg
Excel to Onuma Automatic BIM: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg
Google Earth and Onuma: 5 Min. playsmall.jpg
Onuma to Google Earth: 5 Min. playsmall.jpg
Onuma to BIM: 3 Min. playsmall.jpg
Grouping of Spaces: 2 Min. playsmall.jpg
Vertical Alignment of Spaces: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg
Vertical Alignment and Grouping: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg
Attaching Comments and Files: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg
Sharing Schemes and Reports: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg
Importing Buildings from Google Earth: 4 Min. playsmall.jpg

BIMStorm Animations Play
BIMSTORM: 2 Min. playsmall.jpg
Feb. 15, BIMStorm LAX Player Presentation Audio Only: 60 Min. playsmall.jpg
Feb. 15, BIMStorm LAX Conclusion: 5 Min. playsmall.jpg
Tower in BIMStorm LAX 4D Sequence: 1 Min. playsmall.jpg
Feb. 1, 2008 Overview Presentation of BIMStorm LAX: 50 Min. playsmall.jpg
Introduction to BIMStorm: 2 Min. playsmall.jpg
BIMStorm Rotterdam, 60 Architects: 10 Min. playsmall.jpg

PDF Files

1. BIM to Onuma in a few easy steps.
2. Attaching Comments and Files.

Articles about BIMStorm
AIArchitect - BIMStorm Hits LA
BIMStorm (In Japanese)
AEC News-Rapid City Prototyping
Whitestone Research
AEC Cafe - Nemetschek and Onuma
AZ Central - Sim Sala BIMStorm
New Daedalus - Open Design Goes Public with BIMStorm LAX
New Daelus - Can BIM Really Transform our Processes?
PR Mac - Nemetshek and Onuma
Vector Media - LA BIMStorm
BuildingSmart Norway Blog
West Virginia Gazette-Feb. 15, 2008
West Virginia Gazette-Feb. 11, 2008

Download and Link to Training Info


2010-02-08 11:11:58
Outline  :|:  Corporate Sponsors  :|:  Certified  :|:  Watch  :|:  Step by Step  :|:  Frequently Asked Questions