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Emergency Shelter System

The Onuma System is set up to support scenario planning. Onuma allows for massive collaboration with a wide range of users.

In the San Francisco Shelter Database Project, ONUMA, Inc. customized a system to support the documenting and management of hundreds emergency shelters. Shelter sites were cataloged and then made available for access by authorized users.

The Onuma System was one of the key components that supported the Open Geospatial Consortium OWS 4 project to connect geospatial data and building information modeling data using open standards based web services.

Some of the features of Onuma for Emergency Shelters Include:

  • User interface to to speed up data collecting and use.
  • Real-time data collection on site to allow for team coordination.
  • Live links of data to Google Earth for visualization.
  • Access to data through PDAs and web-enabled phones.
  • 2D and 3D views in Google Earth to show the location of shelter support facilities.
  • Use of Web 2.0 functionality and Web Services to connect to other data.
  • User interface to support self documenting features.
  • Shelter point of contact ability to validate data.
  • Mock scenario planning or for actual disaster relief.

Shelter Locations in Google Map, Data is live from Onuma. As new site surveys are entered by field teams they appear on the map automatically. During an emergency the same interface can be used to manage relief efforts.
Web interface to manage shelter site data. Field teams can enter data directly. The online forms guide users to relevant sections. The interface is set up to be used with minimal or no training. User access levels are based on the role of the user. In times of an emergency the system can be turned into a live dashboard of what shelter capacities are.
Shelter Site with Data from Onuma in Google Earth
Shelter Site with Data from Onuma in Google Earth. As the data gets updated by users, the view in Google Earth changes. Site elements and building rooms can be dynamically color coded with shelter data to inform the user.
Site Plan with Buildings In Onuma. With proper access, data and graphics are editable to create new scenarios. These graphics are editable directly in the web browser with updates sent back to the server.
Floor Plan with Shelter Layout In Onuma. No Software required as this is a web based graphical interface to view and edit plans

2010-02-08 13:46:07