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Building Owners




The Onuma System can be used by building owners to manage their inventory of single or multiple properties.

Onuma for building owners allows all parties that have access privileges to view information about a properties. There is no need to be technical experts or engineers to view vital data about projects both in tabular and graphical form. The interface is built right into a web browser and therefore no software installation is required.

The data and knowledge about projects can be extended and shared with other experts in the process. For example a renovation project for tenant improvement can be analyzed in Onuma, then the data and graphics can be shared with an architect or engineer to continue working with the same information throughout the construction process.

With Onuma one can ask simple questions and get quick answers such as:

  • What does my entire inventory of buildings look like?
  • How does it look like in 3D on Google Earth?
  • What is the total square footage of occupied space?

Client specific standards can be included in the tools. For example a hotel chain can have hotel room types and hotel layouts included in Onuma to quickly analyze various sites and configurations of hotels.

Industry standards such as Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate are included in Onuma.


Other standards such as General Services Administration (GSA) are also integral to Onuma.

2010-02-08 13:36:54